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Free Programs

Not all of the Windows Software Downloads we offer are completely free, in some cases we offer programs that allot you a limited period time to test as Free programs (Free trial). For this reason we’ve created this section where you can find the Best Free programs with top rated scores and the most downloads!

Displaying 3461 to 3480 Results out of 5804 Programs and Games Found
  • Aboriginal Man Rescue

    Aboriginal Man Rescue

    Help an aboriginal man escape from a cave that kidnappers locked him in so he can help save his people.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Aboriginal Man Rescue is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Aboriginal Boy House

    Aboriginal Boy House

    Help the Jurassic era boy escape from his primitive home in this escape game.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Aboriginal Boy House is Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Aboriginal Boy Escape

    Aboriginal Boy Escape

    Help a boy in the Jurassic Era escape and get back to his family.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Aboriginal Boy Escape is Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Abode Room Escape

    Abode Room Escape

    Escape from a cartoonish yet appealing escape room by finicking with a ton of switches and gears.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Abode Room Escape is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Abide Room Escape

    Abide Room Escape

    Escape from a beautiful room by solving a ton of puzzles that are keeping you in.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Abide Room Escape is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Abandoned Hovel Escape

    Abandoned Hovel Escape

    Find the treasure inside a hovel surrounded by a fallen statue and find a way back out afterwards.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Abandoned Hovel Escape is Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Abandoned House Treasure

    Abandoned House Treasure

    Find the treasure in an abandoned haunted house and escape from it afterwards.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Abandoned House Treasure is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Headless Zombie 2

    Headless Zombie 2

    Help the zombie regain his life as a nobleman by cooperating with scientists in this sequel.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Headless Zombie 2 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 17: Rocking Chair

    Room 17: Rocking Chair

    You're now stuck in a beautiful room with a rocking chair inside it. It might prove critical to your escape.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 17: Rocking Chair is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 16: Alivio

    Room 16: Alivio

    Escape from a house with a beautiful marble tile floor in this entry of the series!

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 16: Alivio is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 15: White Room

    Room 15: White Room

    Another bite-sized but satisying escape adventure from Ichima!

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 15: White Room is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 14: Lily of the Valley

    Room 14: Lily of the Valley

    Escape from a gorgeous oriental room in this entry of Ichima's escape series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 14: Lily of the Valley is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 12: Three Medals

    Room 12: Three Medals

    Escape from the room of a deluxe luxury home by solving a ton of puzzles and using anything you can get your hands on.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 12: Three Medals is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 10: Heart

    Room 10: Heart

    Solve a bunch of puzzles in a beautiful romantic getaway to escape.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 10: Heart is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 9: Autumn

    Room 9: Autumn

    You're locked inside a mellow vacation home and you need to find a way out.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 9: Autumn is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 7: Blue

    Room 7: Blue

    Escape from a room with a blue theme in this entry of Ichima's series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 7: Blue is Great!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 6: Puutarou

    Room 6: Puutarou

    You're in a room with a teddy bear inside it. Find a way out by using all the different items inside.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 6: Puutarou is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 5: Music Room

    Room 5: Music Room

    Escape from your band's room in another entry of Ichima's escape series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 5: Music Room is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 4: Cafe

    Room 4: Cafe

    Escape from a beautiful cafe in this entry of Ichima's escape series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 4: Cafe is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Room 3: Ski Room

    Room 3: Ski Room

    You're stuck inside a ski lodge and need to use all the items inside to get out.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Room 3: Ski Room is Very Good!
    Total Downloads