Age of Empires III 1.0
Age of Empires III Specifications

Age of Empires III Review

Last Updated: 2014-06-13 11:39:28
Calling all Age of Empires fans! Age of Empires III is the next title in the AOE family. Developed by Microsoft's Ensemble Studios, AOE3 shifts to a new time and a new theme. This time it's all about colonization in America. The time period is 1492 - 1850. In this title there are eight European civilizations all after the same goal.
Each civilization in Age of Empires III, like all of the other titles in the series has its own set of special skills and abilities that make them unique. The Spanish civilization in Age of Empires III has a strong military due to flexibility in early shipments from the Home City, a new feature of Age of Empires III. Home City is where players access economic, technological, and military support. Your home city's success depends on your actions during the game. The French may start off with a weak economy, but they have great defenses that make them harder to attack allowing them to slowly build their economy. The Dutch settlers are limited and costly, however their civilization helps out tremendously by building Banks that generate coin automatically. The Russians start out with a lot of resources, but few settlers to utilize them. The British, however, start out with plenty of settlers and they have one of the strongest economies in the game. The Portuguese are the most balanced at the start of the game, though they do have a special ability called Spyglass that allows them to easily spy on their enemies. The German and Ottoman civilizations are some of the quieter ones in the game with fewer settlers, but they make op for them with unique units.
There is one more civilization in Age of Empires III that is well deserving of its own paragraph. The Native Americans are key to the success of the European civilizations. Europeans can learn new technologies and skills and gain troops by creating alliances with the Native Americans. Once an alliance is formed the natives will aid you in battle.
Age of Empires Expansions:
Age of Empires III: Warchiefs
Age of Empires III: Asian Dinastyes
Age of Empires III in Spanish
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