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Displaying 3466 to 3480 Results out of 3480 Programs and Games Found
  • Peggle Nights

    Peggle Nights

    A fun and addictive sort of ball shooting game.

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    Peggle Nights is Great!
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  • Corel Photo Video Suite X7

    Corel Photo Video Suite X7

    A photo editing program and video editing and creating suite all combined in one handy package.

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    Rocky Bytes Score
    Corel Photo Video Suite X7 is It Rocks!
    Total Downloads
  • InjuredPixels


    Test your PC's screen for dead and damaged pixels.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    InjuredPixels is It Rocks!
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  • Matlab


    MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computer environment that is very popular in the world of industry and academia.

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    Matlab is Great!
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  • Robot Vacuum Simulator

    Robot Vacuum Simulator

    A Robotic Vacuum simulator, so you too can know what it's like to be a robotic vacuum.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Robot Vacuum Simulator is Fair
    Total Downloads
  • Adobe Muse

    Adobe Muse

    Design your own web pages as images without using codes with this incredible program

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Adobe Muse is It Rocks!
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  • Tor Browser

    Tor Browser

    Browse the web more securely with Tor Browser.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Tor Browser is Great!
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  • Rohan: Blood Feud

    Rohan: Blood Feud

    A free to play MMORPG that has been around since 2008, and has been popular since its release.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Rohan: Blood Feud is Great!
    Total Downloads
  • Clicks and Whistles

    Clicks and Whistles

    A fast and secure IRC client for your PC.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Clicks and Whistles is It Rocks!
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  • GTA IV San Andreas

    GTA IV San Andreas

    Convert GTA IV to San Andreas with beastly graphics with this mod.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    GTA IV San Andreas is It Rocks!
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  • World of Warcraft (WoW)

    World of Warcraft (WoW)

    World of Warcraft (WoW) is an award winning MMORPG video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    World of Warcraft (WoW) is It Rocks!
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  • Daemon Tools

    Daemon Tools

    Create virtual devices and mount them with Daemon Tools.

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    Daemon Tools is Great!
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  • NVIDIA HDMI Audio Driver

    NVIDIA HDMI Audio Driver

    Fix audio issues by your hardware by downloading an updated Audio driver.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    NVIDIA HDMI Audio Driver is Great!
    Total Downloads
  • Roblox


    Get access to great Lego-like games with Roblox! Furthermore you can create your own game with Roblox Studio!

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Roblox is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Sonic World

    Sonic World

    A bright and brilliant fun game starring everyone's favorite blue hedgehog.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Sonic World is Great!
    Total Downloads

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