Latest Second Life News
How to make money from your computer

n this guide we hope to give you some ideas as how to make money from your home computer, this isn't a guide to getting rich quick but a guide to serious ideas that could supplement your income or perhaps even one day become your main source of income. The first thing we will look at is the ways you can ...
Date: 2017-12-12 10:17:37
By: Adam Singleton
Yandere Simulator. The Big Debate!

Yandere Simulator the big debate! Over a year ago now Yandere Simulator was banned from being streamed on gaming website Twitch, something of a crushing blow to Yandere Dev with the site rising in popularity every day it’s a great place for indie games to receive recognition, interest and ultimately ...
Date: 2017-02-23 08:53:10
By: Adam Singleton
Does Yandere Simulator deserve to be banned from Twitch?

In the last few weeks Yandere Simulator was added to an elite group and that is the short list of just 29 titles that are not allowed to be shown on live streaming site Twitch TV. Here at RockyBytes we love Yandere and have been following the progress of this innovative and different game for some time ...
Date: 2016-02-23 07:24:23
By: Adam Singleton