Give Away: Get a Driver Booster license key for FREE!

Driver Booster is an essential program to keep all your drivers up to date, it is a must have for anyone that wants to keep their computer updated with all the latest drivers the moment that they are released. It has been so popular, it is our most downloaded program in our System tools ...
Date: 2016-01-11 03:15:23
By: Adam Singleton
Bytes that Rock Winners announced: Discover the best games, programs and blogs of 2015!

As you may be aware we recently held the Bytes that Rock Software Awards recognizing the best software, games and blogs from the last twelve months for their hard work and the fantastic programs and blogs they have given to us during the last year. We are pleased to say it was hugely successful, thanks to ...
Date: 2015-12-10 08:13:24
By: Adam Singleton
Nominees announced in the Bytes that Rock Awards! You could win an Office 2016 or GTA 5 key just for voting!

Bytes that Rock is a software awards program to recognize and reward the great work that has been done in the software industry over the last twelve months, accepting nominations from the public and researching heavily we have created shortlists in many varied software categories to provide the merited ...
Date: 2015-11-18 08:39:43
By: Adam Singleton
Rocky Bytes launches The Bytes that Rock! Awards 2015, where the best programs, games and blogs get recognition

Hello Rocky Byters! We have some super exciting news for you, so hold onto your hats… Rocky Bytes is proud to present the Bytes that Rock Software Awards recognizing and rewarding all your favorite programs, software and blogs. The categories will be divided in to sub headers under the ...
Date: 2015-11-03 02:21:37
By: Adam Singleton
Which will be Yandere Simulator's ending?

By now you should know that Yandere Simulator is big here on Rocky Bytes. We like it and it’s become one of our favourite games to play on PC. Millions of YouTube commentators agree with us as it’s proven quite popular with them. So far we’ve covered the basics of the game and how to ...
Date: 2015-10-14 08:34:15
By: Kevin Kutlesa
TOP 10 Weirdest Games on PC. Download and play them!

In many sites you can find Top 10 lists and they’re usually about genres, or games in a series, or mechanics and boss fights, but rarely do you see a list of weird games and there are quite a lot of those out there. From the surreal to the disturbing these titles entertain us at the same time as ...
Date: 2015-10-01 09:22:44
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Games Like Happy Wheels are Unmissable!

Happy Wheels is a cruel game, we’ve mentioned that before. You have nigh-impossible physics based puzzle tracks and you need to get your wheelchair-bound character across them in more or less one piece. But you can’t deny its success or how addictive it can be. It’s one of the highest ...
Date: 2015-09-22 07:10:49
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Yandere Simulator Mods: Female Senpai, kill teachers...

Yandere Simulator is a game where you play as a seemingly innocent young girl at a Japanese school. She’s in love with an older boy but she’s terribly jealous of her competitors, so she takes them out, violently and without mercy. But she’s also careful, trying to make sure no one ...
Date: 2015-09-16 05:15:43
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Zona VS PopCorn Time: Which is the winner?

Let’s be real. Who watches TV nowadays? Why would you let anyone else choose what you are going to watch if you can choose it yourself? When we think about movie nights (we all need them in our lives) going to the cinema is a greatest of options, I’m not going to lie. But who’s got the ...
Date: 2015-09-10 07:11:44
By: Marta Barquet
Infographic: Yandere Simulator Success Told in Numbers

There is no point in denying that Yandere Simulator is a total hit these days. Since its first release in 2014, its success has been unstoppable. Although it is currently in a 9% development stage, millions of fans are constantly waiting for the next update to show up. The game’s developer, known as ...
Date: 2015-09-01 06:40:08
By: Marta Barquet