Rocky Bytes launches The Bytes that Rock! Awards 2015, where the best programs, games and blogs get recognition

Date: 2015-11-03 02:21:37

Hello Rocky Byters! We have some super exciting news for you, so hold onto your hats…
Rocky Bytes is proud to present the Bytes that Rock Software Awards recognizing and rewarding all your favorite programs, software and blogs. The categories will be divided in to sub headers under the categories of Programs, Games, and Blogs.
So now you have the opportunity to nominate the programs, games and blogs that you enjoy the most or have been most useful to you to be considered for our first ever annual Bytes that Rock! Awards.
If there is a program that has made your life easier, a game you have loved or a blog that keeps you amused and enthralled please let us know so we can consider them for one of our awards, of course once we reach the stage when we have our shortlists you, the public will be involved in voting for the overall winners in the various categories along with our handpicked well respected judges, all from within the software industry including David Gracia (Founder of Crystalizer games, game developer and programmer), Edward Chester (a leading software reviewer with over 10 years of experience having written for some very well known publications) and myself a (a video game and software review writer here at Rocky Bytes with 30+ years of experience of playing video games).
So help your favorite programs, games and blogs get the recognition that they deserve by nominating them now on our website, we also accept entries from developers and blog writers for their own work, if you think it is worthy of an accolade then don’t be too modest to nominate your own program, game or blog.
Put your nominations forward via the links on our website. Between you and our team of well-respected judges from within the software industry we will give awards to first, second and third places in each category.
Help your favorite programs, games and blogs get the recognition they deserve.
Bytes that Rock! is working in conjunction with many other companies that all help to make these awards possible.
Nominees announced in the Bytes that Rock Awards! You could win an Office 2016 or GTA 5 key just for voting!
Bytes that Rock is a software awards program to recognize and reward the great work that has been done in the software industry over the last twelve months, accepting nominations from the public and researching heavily we have created shortlists in many varied software categories to provide the merited ...
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