Yandere Simulator: Osana demo!

Date: 2020-10-20 19:36:48

The Osana demo has finally released! You can pick it up right here.
It's been a long 6 years of years waiting, so let's get into it. What does the Osana demo have in store for us?
Taking a Look at Osana
Well, first of all, you can finally take down Osana using 17 different elimination methods. It's very difficult to find out exactly what these elimination methods are, as the game isn't actually that clear about them. Thankfully, there are also "Schemes" you can purchase by taking a couple of photos of panty shots. These function as walkthroughs detailing the many different ways of eliminating Osana.
As you can see, many of these elimination methods and/or schemes have a bunch of steps attached to them.
But wait, why go through all of these steps, you may ask. Why not just wait until she's in a secluded area and stab her in the throat like you would any other character? Well, it's because of her friend, Raibaru. She follows Osana around everywhere, and if you try to attack Osana with her around, she will kick your ass immediately. There is no way to kill her - if she aggros on to you, she becomes the game's most powerful character. This effectively brute forces you into eliminating her using a scheme.
Something else you might be wondering is if there is a proper tutorial implemented in the game. After all, a whole lot of new players will probably come in, curious as to what the game is about. Unfortunately, there still isn't a proper tutorial for the game - there's Info-Chan's text boxes explaining things as you play. These text boxes don't do a great job of explaining the tons of obtuse mechanics involved in Yandere Simualtor, and there still remains pretty much no way for new players to learn about mechanics such as personality types without going out of their way to research the topic.
All the club perks are in now as well. Unfortunately, these perks aren't made equal - some are blatantly better than others. For example, some of the clubs like Sports and Gardening let you carry a certain weapon around without looking suspicious, but why take them when there are basic items that already let you walk around without being considered suspicious? Meanwhile the Gaming club will let you temporarily increase one of your stats per day, which lets you hit breakpoints earlier than you would be able to otherwise. There's still some balancing work to be done here.
Lastly, regarding the extra content that was mentioned a while back. Not much has been added here, sadly. After you've eliminated Osana, there's very little to do outside of Debug features, Easter Eggs, and Mission Modes. While the mission mode and Easter Eggs are fun, that's just about all there is to do. The Female Senpai announced a bit ago still isn't officially released, though you can access her through the debug menu, and neither is 1980s Mode. In fact, there are no alternative gamemodes at all in the game at the moment, and very few ways to change the way the game plays itself. All you really can do is eliminate Osana a couple different ways.
All in all, was the Osana demo release a success? At release, I can safely say no. It was incredibly glitchy and buggy, with a ton of elimination methods not working. However, after a few months of patches, I can say that it now works properly and
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