The Yandere Simulator Town Debate!

Date: 2017-02-02 07:49:50

The Yandere Simulator Town Debate!
Recently Yandere Dev released a video (you can see it here about whether the small town included in Yandere simulator really needed any expansion on the small town already on the game, at the moment these buildings are not interactive and only seen if you choose to cycle to school and no further work has been done on the town since it was introduced in a Yandere build released over a year ago now.
So first we need to look at the options that YanDev has offered to us, the first is a full interactive town with many shops and perhaps other places you can visit and even maybe get a part time job to help you save money to buy things from other shops or items that may help you in defeating rivals or progressing your journey.
The second option is no town at all and to have everything based just in Yandere’s house or at the school where most of the action will take place anyway. Now although is option may seem the least appealing it would mean that Yandere Simulator is completed and the finished article is ready to play much sooner as adding a full town in will take a good few months at least of development.
The third and final option is something of a compromise where rather than a full town Yandere dev will just implement one street of interactive shops so this will add a little something on to the development time but nowhere near as long as full scale town and we’d still get the features of going to the shops.
So let’s have a look at how the pros and cons of these three options:
First up we have the option of having a full town, which clearly would be fantastic in theory, the game would be almost a full sandbox world where you’d be able to leave your house and walk in to the town, there could be things such as arcades to play video games, a comic store to buy manga, a convenience store for buying liquor or booze, a hardware store to buy tools (weapons) that may not be available to find in the school and so on. However this begs the question where will Yandere Chan get money to spend on items from? Yandere dev has suggested that she could get a part time job that might incur mini games or memory games for you to earn money, or even easier would be that Yandere Chan receives an allowance from her parents and you can decide whether to spend that money as and when or save it for bigger more helpful items. Pleasingly there’s not been any mention of micro transactions although I’m sure a lot of us would be happy to pay a bit extra considering at the moment we get to play each build of Yandere as and when it’s ready absolutely free. Another benefit of the town is there may be more exciting and interesting ways to kill your rivals implemented such as being able to push them in front of a train!
OK so this all sounds great, what’s the draw backs? Well the main problem is that for a full town to be developed it will take at least another year of development on top of the certainly not inconsiderable time that is left until the game is finished without including the time.
It’s worth mentioning here that YanDev has said if there is a sequel to Yandere Simulator then there will definitely be a town included but it’s not possible for this first game to be released and then add a town later, so if you want the full town to be added patience will be a virtue.
So on to the second option of having no town at all, now the biggest case for this is that the finished beta version of Yandere Simulator will be released at the quickest possible date with only the rest of the planned features for Yandere’s house and the school, plus any further character additions and in game features needed to be implemented then we’d see the full version of the game hit our shelves as soon as possible. It has been suggested also Yandere could make purchases from her internet at home so do we really need the shops and town at all? So that’s the biggest plus point for this option but then no town at all…
So the final option we have is something of a compromise in just having one street of shops which will take a little longer to develop than no town at all but a lot shorter time than developing a full town. The benefit to having this would mean you would have least a compact area to explore and be able to go and buy things although it certainly wouldn’t be as feature rich as having a full town and if it’s possible to buy things directly from the internet on Yandere’s computer is it really even worth it? Although one part of this I did like the idea of is this video game store where you will be able to buy new mini games to play on Yandere’s console which would be very cool to have a selection of different games within the game to choose from although we’re assuming this would also be featured if we had a full town also.
So what do you guys think? Are you willing to wait up to another year for the final version of Yandere Simulator or would you rather the game didn’t feature a town at all so you can get your hands on the finished version as soon as possible?
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