Yandere Simulator Kidnapping, Torture and Mind slaves

Date: 2016-09-09 05:55:22

Yandere Simulator Kidnapping, Torture and Mind slaves
Want to murder one of your rivals for Senpai without the risk of being arrested, detained, or expelled from school well why not get someone else to do it for you!
So you may have heard about the kidnapping and torture features in Yandere Simulator that will lead to you having a mind broken slave who can do (some) of your dirty work for you, but how do you put it in to effect well do not fear we’re going to walk you through the process.
The first thing you will need to be is minimum rank 2 in biology which means you will need to go to class and work on getting that biology statistic up as fast as possible you will also need to get your reputation right up in to the good right hand pink side of the bar, this can be done simply by complementing as many girls as possible, make sure you keep doing this whilst got to as many classes as possible to upgrade your biology as fast as possible and keep your reputation up at the same time, you could also gain a players trust by completing a task for them and increase your seduction level, this will take a couple of days in total. As soon as your biology stat passes the first bar you will be in level two and as long as your reputation is high enough you will be ready to start planning your kidnap. Once you have reached rank 2 in biology you will need a syringe and a tranquilizer, the syringe and tranquilizer can both be found in the nurses’ office, so go there and collect both of those, then put them in to your inventory so you are not running round the school with a needle in your hand and alarming people!
Now you are nearly ready for phase one kidnapping, find a student you wish to kidnap and when the chat options open ask a favor of them, when she accepts to do the favor take her somewhere quiet and out of the way, like the gym or one of the empty rooms towards the end of the corridors on the first and second floors of the school (make sure it is a room with one of the big black kidnap boxes inside it, you will need this box), once you have your victim in a secluded area take out the syringe which should now be filled with the tranquilizer and attack your victim from behind. Once you have attacked the girl will fall to the ground however unlike when you brutally murder someone you will see little z’s coming from her to indicate she is knocked out or sleeping from the tranquilizer. Use the Q button to drag your victim to the box and place her inside. Leave your victim inside the box and return home at the end of school as normal.
At the end of the day you will see text come up on the screen explaining that Yandere Chan has returned to the school under the cover of darkness and returned the music box to her home with her, she then takes the girl from the box and ties her up in the basement.
At this point you will be given a choice as to how long you to want torture your victim for now only a completely mind broken slave will do your bidding for you so you must go for the longest available torture time which will mean Yandere will lose (at least) a day of school.
Once the victim’s sanity has reached zero you will be presented with the option to bring her to school with you, the mind slave will spawn behind a bush outside the school and she will obey every command that Yandere Chan gives to her.
Yandere can then furnish the mind slave with a small weapon, you cannot give her a larger weapon such as the katana, once the mind slave has a weapon Yandere can then command her to kill one of her rivals, the mind slave will then repeatedly stab the rival and after she has committed the murder she will then commit suicide herself. Awesome.
Remember to follow us for all the latest updates on Yandere Simulator and all the latest builds of the game as soon as they are released.
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