Latest Minecraft News
Minecraft 1.8 update: Endermite, rabbits, faster minecart and much more! When is it coming?

Version 1.7.2 of Minecraft release in October last year, and while there have been upgrades and fixes since then, fans and players alike are buzzing for what might come in Minecraft 1.8. Over the past few months, the beta versions have been floating around, getting players hyped for all the changes ...
Date: 2014-07-29 05:53:18
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Best 5 Minecraft textures and resources pack list to 1.7.10 version

Minecraft is easily one of the most popular games of its time. It is a game unlike no other as nothing is scripted; players can essentially create their own game with mods, textures, hacks, and more. After playing the game for a while and seeing the same weapons, animals, textures, and weather I ...
Date: 2014-07-17 12:19:05
By: Solomon Arnett
List of the best Minecraft maps in all the categories

While Minecraft players will, in general, play on their chosen server and build whatever is their hearts’ desire, some look for a different experience, preferring the adventuring path in the game, or maybe puzzles or even the simple joy of exploration. That’s where Minecraft maps (the ...
Date: 2014-06-19 09:58:19
By: Kevin Kutlesa
The 5 most ambitious Minecraft buildings ever conceived

Minecraft, created by Mojang, is a block-building/adventure/RPG game and while a percentage enjoy the hack & slash adventuring portion, most just go out and build things from houses to statues to giant staircases to the sky to impossibly deep mineshafts with robot drillers. But with any game or toy ...
Date: 2014-06-10 06:32:11
By: Kevin Kutlesa
How to make your own Minecraft mod easy in Java

For developers, Java is one the most popular development languages in the world, used for desktop, web and mobile applications, especially if you work on Android devices, as everything in them is Java-based. But for non-developers and most gamers, Java doesn’t really mean much, as there really ...
Date: 2014-05-27 08:07:59
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Popular Minecraft alternatives: Minetest, Roblox, King Arthur’s Gold

Since its release in 2009 as an Alpha version, Minecraft became one of the most popular games in history, with millions of users well before the game actually released, and adding more to the count every day. In Minecraft, players explore a cubed world, gathering resources, managing health and hunger, ...
Date: 2014-05-13 05:06:04
By: Kevin Kutlesa
The 4 most awesome and best Minecraft Mods ever made

Minecraft, developed by Mojang, lets players into their own personal sandbox to fight, create and build, and every day you find more astounding creations by its players, from complete reproductions of famous video game locales to movie settings to fantastic pieces of originality with the highest possible ...
Date: 2014-05-08 08:40:26
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Block Story moving to Steam early access

It was recently announced that MindBlocks Studio’s Block Story, a hybrid block building sand box game (like Minecraft) and RPG, allowing you to create and level up your character, fight monsters and even summon creatures to aid you, is now moving to
Date: 2014-04-24 10:40:14
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Minecraft “Fear Clinic” helps teens quit smoking

In Minecraft games creation is unlimited. Creation is encouraged. Creation is inevitable. If you ever have played Minecraft before, you have probably played witness to fascinating designs or even created some of your own in Minecraft Server. From a simple mock-up of a bedroom to a recreation of ...
Date: 2014-03-09 10:24:23
By: Solomon Arnett