Latest Hitman 2: Silent Assassin News
Where's the latest Yandere Simulator Build, and will it feature Osana?

It is coming up to three weeks since we have had a new build of one of the the most popular free games in the world (whilst it remains in development at least) and we are normally used to a clockwork like schedule from Yandere Dev of a new build each two weeks, but if sources are correct it could be that ...
Date: 2018-08-16 12:35:15
By: Adam Singleton
What to play whilst waiting for the next build of Yandere Simulator.
With the next build of Yandere Simulator having been delayed due to some important new features being added to the game you might be stuck as to what you can play in the mean-time so here’s a few suggestions as to what can tide you over until we have the next build of Yandere. So if you ...
Date: 2016-05-18 08:19:16
By: Adam Singleton
Does Yandere Simulator deserve to be banned from Twitch?

In the last few weeks Yandere Simulator was added to an elite group and that is the short list of just 29 titles that are not allowed to be shown on live streaming site Twitch TV. Here at RockyBytes we love Yandere and have been following the progress of this innovative and different game for some time ...
Date: 2016-02-23 07:24:23
By: Adam Singleton
Sniper games: the best picks and recommendations for PC with free download

Sometimes when you play a shooter or action game you don’t want to be the soldier in the frontlines, dodging bullets and fighting for your life. No, sometimes you want be away from the battlefield, in high ground looking down on your enemies as you take them down one by one without them ever ...
Date: 2014-12-18 06:33:51
By: Kevin Kutlesa
The Best Shooting Games (FPS) around the world

First Person Shooters, FPSs, are some of the fastest selling games around the world. Every release of Call of Duty sees millions of gamers frantically rush to buy the latest iteration with almost maniacal fervor. Even here, on Rocky Bytes, First Person Shooters are some of the most sought after ...
Date: 2014-10-16 06:12:03
By: Kevin Kutlesa
Most addicting video games on Rocky Bytes you must know

From full games to demos we, here at Rocky Bytes, offer you a wide selection of titles and genres. Picking one may be a daunting task because of that. So to help you, here are some choice picks from us. The following are our picks for the most addictive games you must know on Rocky Bytes. Happy ...
Date: 2014-09-16 07:24:30
By: Kevin Kutlesa