How to Install Cheat Engine
Learn how to install Cheat Engine correctly and modify your games

Date: 2014-07-01 04:43:03
In order to follow this guide you will need to download Cheat Engine. Please click the green button below.
The installation process of Cheat Engine is very easy, we simply need to follow the steps shown in the installation wizard. By running the downloaded file for the first time we start to prepare the program for installation.
Later on the wizard will ask us whether we want to install some search bars on our browser, which can be avoided by unmarking the selected options. There is also Cheat Engine bar for browsers available which adds shortcuts to the forum and Cheat Engine web, which is also optional, of course.
After completing this process the download of additional files will start and the program will get installed automatically.
There’s nothing else we need to do for having Cheat Engine installed on our computer. Now, the only configuration necessary is just to open the program! A desktop shortcut will get created automatically, so it’s very easy to open the program. The first thing we will see is a program tutorial, take a look at it if you can, it can be very useful as it gives some basic information and some exercises for practicing and learning the basics of this program. Remember that Cheat Engine is a complete and complex program.
After completing the tutorial, we can adjust some features of the program, but it’s not necessary for a normal use of this program as these are some very specific parameters. Once we have the program installed we can take a look at the Hotkeys section for learning some keyboard shortcuts and this way making the use of Cheat Engine more fluid.
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