Latest Windows 10 News
Bytes that Rock Winners announced: Discover the best games, programs and blogs of 2015!

As you may be aware we recently held the Bytes that Rock Software Awards recognizing the best software, games and blogs from the last twelve months for their hard work and the fantastic programs and blogs they have given to us during the last year. We are pleased to say it was hugely successful, thanks to ...
Date: 2015-12-10 08:13:24
By: Adam Singleton
Nominees announced in the Bytes that Rock Awards! You could win an Office 2016 or GTA 5 key just for voting!

Bytes that Rock is a software awards program to recognize and reward the great work that has been done in the software industry over the last twelve months, accepting nominations from the public and researching heavily we have created shortlists in many varied software categories to provide the merited ...
Date: 2015-11-18 08:39:43
By: Adam Singleton
WHAT TO EXPECT from WINDOWS 10 OS: Release date, Cost and New Features

BASIC ANSWERS TO BASIC QUESTIONS - What? Windows 10 is a complete upgrade from all the previous Windows operating systems. - When? Summer 2015, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed. - What’s the cost? Will it be free? Windows 7 and 8.1 users will enjoy a free Windows 10 ...
Date: 2015-04-22 03:47:15
By: Marta Barquet