Star Wars The Old Republic Guide
Wondering how to play the Jedi Sentinel and Sith Marauder? Take a look at this guide!

Date: 2020-03-28 04:46:53
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The Jedi Sentinel - or Sith Marauder, if you prefer the Dark side - is one of the most potent damage-dealing classes in the game. They both have a specialization that revolves around dealing massive damage over time, which eventually adds up to them outdamaging almost every other class specialization in the game. The specialization in question is the Watchman and Annihiliation spec. On top of that, they help other damage-dealing classes do more damage.
Do note that the rest of the guide will revolve around using the names for the Jedi Sentinel - if you are a Sith Marauder player, then simply take the corresponding ability.
1. The Watchman Basics
There are a couple of statistics you will want to focus on. Here are a couple of stat thresholds that you will need to hit with various enhancements and augments:
- 110% accuracy - 1590 stat points
- 7.15% Alacrity - 1213 stat points
- All the rest of your stats should focus on Critical
For Set bonuses, you will definitely want to focus on the Descent of the Fearless. This set will give you +2% Mastery, damage increase for 10 seconds after gaining or using a Force Clarity ability charge, and have a chance to build Force Clarity charge. Since you only need 6 pieces to complete the set, you will want to optimize your 7th slot by running an Amplified Champion piece. Any piece will give you an additional amplifier that can usually only be put on gear.
Speaking of Amplifiers, you will want to use Periodic Intensity amplifiers, as this is a DoT class and that's where most of your damage will come from.
For Tactical items, you will want to use the Spiteful Saber. This is generally the best option you have to use. However, there are a few scenarios where Malmourral Mask is useful during the third encounter of Dxun or in melee heavy 8v8 Pvp matches.
To note, here is an optimized build for non-scaled PvE and PvP content:
- Descent of the Fearless 6-piece
- Amplified Champion Piece
- 9x Periodic Intensity Amplifiers and 1 Amplified Champion Periodic Intensity Amplifider.
- Superior Versatile Armoring x7
- Superior Versatile Hilt80 x 2
- Superior Lethal Mod 80R-2 x9
- Superior Initiative Enhancement 80R-18 x1 + Superior Initiative Enhancement 80R-19 x1, 5 Augments and Advanced Kyrprax Proficient Stim
- Superior Nimble Enhancement 80R-12 x1 and Superior Nimble Enhancement 80R-14 x2
- Superior Adept Enhancement 80R-19 x2, Sha’tek Adept Package MK-19 x2, Sha’tek Adept Device MK-19, 9 Augments, Advanced Kyrprax Proficient Stim and 2 Crystals
- Sha’tek Relic of Serendipitous Assault and Sha’tek Relic of Focused Retribution
The build (censored for privacy)
2. The Skills
For general PvE, here are the general utility skills you want to pick:
- Skillful: Jedi Enforcer, Stoic, Defensive Roll
- Masterful: Force Fade (can be replaced with Expunging Camouflage for self-cleanse), Ardor, Jedi Promulgator
- Heroic: Fleetfooted, Inspired Focus, Zealous Ward
For certain content that requires no Transcendence, then you should take these skills:
- Skillful: Jedi Enforcer, Stoic, Defensive Roll, Jedi Crusader
- Masterful: Force Fade, Jedi Promulgator
- Heroic: Inspired Focus, Zealous Ward, Intercessor
If you're more of a ranked PvP player:
- Skillful: Jedi Enforcer, Stoic, Defensive Roll
- Masterful: Expunging Camouflage, Ardor, Enduring
- Heroic: Fleetfooted, Inspired Focus, Zealous Ward
Obviously, you should take these with a grain of salt - these are generally good in all situations, but if you find yourself in an incredibly specialized scenario, then you can pick and choose from these as you wish.
And that's about it! The full rotation for the Watchman can get a little too long to explain, as it can get incredibly long. If you would like to learn rotations, then you should look at a few of the many fantastic guides available online. We hope that this helped get you started playing Watchman Sentinel!
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