Paragon Specifications
Paragon Review

Last Updated: 2018-02-16 08:07:39
Paragon is a third person massive multiplayer online game combining elements of a shoot ‘em up, melee combat and tower defense. Each team starts at opposing ends of the world map and the objective is to destroy your opponents core which is located in their base. You are only able to reach your opponents base through one of three lanes which appear in each world map. Lanes have two towers and an inhibitor, if you successfully destroy all of these your team will spawn more powerful minions (which are like little helpers who accompany you in to each battle) in that lane who will be able to directly attack the enemy core.
On starting the game there is a tutorial which helps you get to grips with the battle system and movements of your character before being thrown in to the massive multiplayer universe of Paragon.
You have control over your “hero” and you gain experience and gold by destroying enemy towers along with other quests, the more experience that you gain the more upgrades and abilities you will unlock for your hero.
Just prior to each match the player can choose a deck of cards that will allow the player to purchase upgrades such as strength enhancing artefacts and health boosts for your hero.
You can earn “Chests” which contain cards that can be used to upgrade your hero by completing matches or using real world currency.
While it is fun for a while the grind in Paragon can become a bit much, some of the matches tend to run for a long time and it can be quite easy to get bored with it.
Due to the success that Epic games have had with Fortnite Battle Royale the Paragon servers will be closing towards the end of April so if you would like to check out this game try to do it as soon as possible.
You can download Paragon here for free, and over here to download Fortnite battle Royale
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